An-Tai-Na Brown Tea Parties || CN 44 US 10

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Sold on: 07/10/24
Sold to: keegerator (+39, -0) (Michigan)

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An-Tai-Na Brown Tea Parties || CN 44 US 10

Cute brown tea parties with criss-cross straps and heart shaped buckles. Bought secondhand but never wore out, only tried on. Size CN 44, fits like a true US L 10 on me. Dusty from sitting on shelf, I'll wipe them off before packaging.

Shipping to United States: Contact seller for quote
Shipping outside United States: Contact seller for quote
Style: Sweet, Classic, Country, Casual
Colors: Browns
Category: Shoes
Please thoroughly read over individual item condition listings before purchasing! All items unless otherwise noted are used and as such may have imperfections or wear and tear. I will make every attempt to identify any and all damages and make them known to you, but due to human error, may miss some. My items are unfortunately NOT allergy/scent friendly. ALL items, unless otherwise noted, are coming from a home with a pet and with tobacco smokers. More details are in Allergy/Scent Notices. ALLERGY / SCENT NOTICES: THESE ITEMS ARE NOT ALLERGY FRIENDLY!! ALL ITEMS are located in a small home with a dog and two heavy smokers / with scent items present and used (candles, incense, etc.). The items are not actively smoked in (I am the only non-smoker in the home) and are not worn near the smokers, but the scent will be present. The dog is not handled while wearing lolita, but the closet where items are located is in the bedroom in which the dog sleeps and has free access to. The bedroom is not smoked in, but is close to living room where smoking occurs. All items are laundered after being worn/before being hung up (so will have been washed before being posted for sale), and I can wash again before sending on request. (Must be requested, as I know some people are sensitive to certain detergents -- most of my lolita items are washed with Persil). SHIPPING NOTICES: I'll work with you directly on shipping -- my post office is pretty small and has some funky hours. I am willing to ship internationally but please discuss with me beforehand!! I've not attempted international shipping before and may need to do some communication with my local post office first.

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